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Boulton, Watt and Murdoch Statue
William Bloye erected this famous statue in memoriam of three industrialists of Birmingham. These three industrialists are depicted as being engaged in a discussion of engine. Boulton is remembered for the running of the Soho manufactory, Watt for the improvement of the steam engine and Murdoch for the invention of gas lighting.
Cadbury World
For Chocolate lovers, this is a very charming set where they can learn chocolate making process at this chocolate making factory. A multimedia presentation teaches the history of chocolate, showing how it turned from a humble plant to a booming industry. At the end of your tour you will get some freshest sample chocolate in the world.
Centenary Square Statuary
The statue “Forward” erected by Raymond Mason, a native of Birmingham, to commemorate the progress made by the people of his home city. It is an Interesting and thought provoking public peace and has long been a center of a national discussion of Modern Art.
Queen Victoria and Ebony
This Thomas Brock designed sculptor commemorates England’s longest-ruling monarch. When the statue was renovated “Ebony”, a friendly dog of a workman was a fixture near the statue. A small plaque marks the dog’s cohabitation with the Queen Victoria.
The Birmingham Mint
For coin lovers and collectors, this is the most fabulous place to visit and spend time as the Mint has been creating coins for countries like Russia, Mexico, Egypt and Brazil since 1862. The metals are formulated and cast on-site, and the consistent quality has taken this Mint’s reputation as a top producer of medals.
The Canals
Birmingham is very famous for Canals. It has more Canals than Venice. Visitors can take an enjoyable boating trip through the Canal.
A Birmingham visitor or group of visitors can avail fine lodgings and pleasurable traveling services like Charter Bus including Motor Coach, Mini Bus, School Bus, Entertainer, Executive, Limo Bus, Double Decker, Passenger Van and Public Transit. has compiled a list of best and most affordable bus companies in Birmingham such as birmingham charter bus rentals and birmingham school bus rentals.